SF0057 is Signed into Law
Work from the DeafIS team, members of the Wyoming Deaf community, and local lawmakers led to SF0057, the Wyoming Adult Hearing Aid Program, being signed into law.
Click here to learn more.

Max Offers ASL Accessibility for 'Barbie'
The streaming service MAX offers a unique accessibility option by providing Greta Gerwig's Critically Acclaimed 'Barbie' Movie with ASL interpretation. Those with a subscription to Max may now view the movie with an on-screen ASL interpreter.
Click here to learn more.

Deaf Mothers Son Inspires Enlisted Son
Learn how a Deaf mother used biblical text, community, and ASL to connect with her son during his time in the US military.
Click here to learn more.
How A Utah Deaf Advisory Group Is Changing Healthcare
Navigating the healthcare system while deaf can be a life-threatening experience. These community members want to change the system. Watch a conversation with Michelle Litchman and Tamiko Rafeek, who work with community members to design more inclusive care for deaf patients at the University of Utah Hospital.
Click here to learn more.
Gallaudet University: Announcing the Necessity of Now campaign
The Necessity of Now campaign will raise funds to create a new public equitable outdoor learning space, which will be Gallaudet’s first community-facing space on the 6th Street corridor, and will also fund scholarships, research, and programming at our Center for Black Deaf Studies, which will support ongoing stories for the public to experience in this new “front porch” at Gallaudet.
Click here to learn more.

AT&T and Gallaudet University Collaborate to Make Football More Inclusive
AT&T and Gallaudet University have collaborated to create the first 5G-connected football helmet making the game more inclusive by enhancing on-field communication for student-athletes who use American Sign Language.
Click here to learn more.

Deaf Climbers Will Face Everest's Brutal Conditions to Start 'Ripple Effect'
Shayna Unger and Scott Lehmann - Despite not being able to hear, Scott Lehmann and Shayna Unger are climbing the world’s highest peaks — and inspiring others.
Click here to learn more.

April is Deaf History Month, but Wyoming lacks the resources to observe it - Wyoming Public Media
"The objective is to raise awareness of Deaf and hard-of-hearing people’s struggles and highlight inclusivity and equal opportunities in a hearing society. However, there are no plans to officially observe the month in Wyoming."
Click here to learn more.

Lawmakers look to cut outdated language from North Dakota Constitution
South Dakota Legislators are looking to remove outdated and derogatory wording from the South Dakota constitution.
Click here to learn more.

Roberta J. Cordano of Gallaudet University: Why We Should Teach Everyone Sign Language From Birth
Journalist Fotis Georgiadis sat down with Roberta J. Cordano, President of Gallaudet University, for his Medium.com series, “Big Ideas That Might Change The World In The Next Few Years."
Click here to read more about their Discussion.

"Climb to the Top of Full Language Access"
Kelly Brakenhoff has written an excellent article on the DeafIS team's time at the International Climbers Festival in Lander, Wyoming.

Deaf Students Meet The Governor
A Group of Deaf students from Laramie County School District 1 met with the Governor of Wyoming in a push for more awareness for the deaf citizens of Wyoming.

'We depend on interpreters'
| Stockton deaf instructor advocates for pay for interpreters
Stockton Unified School District has not paid on time twice this year, according to the company that contracts interpreters for the deaf and hard of hearing.

Sometimes I Like the Quiet: Duke the Deaf Dog ASL Series #4 Kickstarter
Kelly is an ASL Interpreter and the author of 7 books. The creative team behind Duke the Deaf Dog ASL picture books want Deaf and Hard of Hearing kids to see their experiences in the books and workbooks. At the same time, kids who can hear will discover what it's like to hear differently and learn ASL to chat with their Deaf friends. To accomplish this goal, Kelly and her team have started a Kickstarter campaign to assist in the production of the series.
Click Here to Back the Campaign!
Best & Worst States for ASL Access to Governors’ COVID-19 Press Briefings
The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) has compiled a ranked list of how each state handled interpreter access during official state government COVID-19 press briefings.